bmw bmw motor onderdeel bmw bmw 525 bmw m5 bmw cabrio bmw coupe
bmwbmw motoronderdeel bmwbmw 525bmw 325bmw m3bmw cabriobmw coupebmw z4bmw x5bmw z3bmw 3202002 bmw m3bmw velgbmw 5 seriebmw e30bmw 318bmw m5bmw m6bmw c1bmw 3 seriebmw touringbmw 3 serie g3 language nl language nlbmw r60trekhaak bmwbmw 316bmw e36bmw e28motorblok bmwbmw 320dbmw 3bmw onderdeelbmw partsbmw x3bmw 520 282002 29bmw k100alpina bmwbmw koffersetbmw tanktasbmw 2002velg bmwbmw dealerbmw e46bmw occasionbmw gsbmw 850bmw 325ibmw 530dbmw compactbmw k75bmw 7 seriebmw 1 seriemotor bmw onderdeelhardtop bmwbmw r100rbmw dieseloriginele bmw velgonderdeel bmw k100e90 bmwbmw 325i e30uitlaten bmwbmw uitlatenbmw k1100 ltbmw 5bmw e21luchtmassameter bmwbmw lpgbmw alpina velg 17 inch18 bmw inchte koop bmwbmw schermbmw cabrioletbmw r850rbmw 318ibmw 316ieindhoven bmwe60 bmwonderdeel bmw motortrekhaak bmw e46topkoffer bmw19 bmw inchbmw alpinabmw 320ibmw spoilersbmw topkofferbmw r1100rtbmw r50bmw e39bmw verenbmw 520bmw tuningbmw f650bmw c1 200bmw isettaembleem bmwscarver bmwwisselaar bmwbmw 7bmw e24m5 bmw

BMW E12 5 Series
The E12 5 series was introduced in 1972. It was available as 4 door sedan.
There were two models available: the 520 and 520i. Both models had a M10 four
cylinder engine. The 520 had 115 HP and the 520i 130 HP. In 1973 the 525 came
available. It had a six cylinder engine with 145 HP. A year later the 518 was
introduced. This model had a four cylinder with just 90 HP. In that same year the
530i came available.

It had a six cylinder engine. In 1975 a 528 six cylinder came available. It had 165 HP. In 1976 the 5 series received a small facelift. The grille now looked the same as the one on the E21 3 series and the rear lights where bigger now. The 520 and 520i four cylinder where replaced by a 520i six cylinder wich had 122 HP. The 528 was replaced with a 528i wich had electronic fuel injection and 184 HP. The 530i went out of production. In 1981 a new 5 series was introduced and the old E12 went out of production.